A wide range of amines
Specialty Amines
We produce alkylamines, polyamines, asymetrical secondary amines and alkylalcanolamines, mainly used as building blocks for chemical synthesis or additives in various industries.
- DEAPA (diethylaminopropylamine) - CAS # 104-78-9
- DMAPAPA (dimethylaminopropylaminopropylamine) – CAS # 10563-29-8
- IPOPA (3-isopropoxypropylamine) – CAS # 2906-12-9
- MOPA (3-methoxypropylamine) - CAS # 5332-73-0
- EDIPA Hünig Base (Ethyldiisopropylamine) - CAS # 7087-69-5
- EMA (ethylmethylamine) - CAS #624-78-2
- TMPDA (tetramethylpropylenediamine) - CAS # 110-95-2
- B2A (Sec-butylamine) - cas # 13952-84-6
- APDEA (Aminopropyldiethanolamine) - 4985-85-7
- Alpamine® N41 - CAS # 35265-04-4
- DPTA (Dipropylenetriamine) - CAS # 56-18-8
Basic Alkylamines
Basic alkylamines are used essentially as building blocks or as additives in various industries: pharmaceutical, agrochemical, coatings,…
- MEA 70% (Monoethylamine 70%, aqueous) - CAS # 75-04-7
- DEA (Diethylamine) - CAS # 109-89-7
- TEA (Triethylamine) - CAS # 12144-8
- MIPA (Monoisopropylamine, anhydrous) - CAS # 75-31-0
- MIPA 70% (Monoisopropylamine 70% aqueous) - CAS # 75-31-0
- DIPA (Diisopropylamine) - CAS # 108-18-9
Our DEHA grades are essentially used as oxygen scavenger for water treatment, or in polymerization as short stopper or killer catalyst.
- DEHA 85% - CAS # 3710-84-7
- Term-N-ator® P
Foundry Amines
We offer amines catalysts for the manufacture of molds in foundry by the "PU cold box" process. Those amines can be used alone or blended.
- DMEA (Dimethylethylamine) - CAS # 598-56-1
- DMIPA (Dimethylisopropylamine) - CAS # 996-35-0
- TEA (Triethylamine) - CAS # 121-44-8
Amines used in a wide variety of industries
Adhesives, paints and resins
- APDEA, DEAPA, DMAPAPA and TMPDA: specific hardeners or accelerators for paints, foam & adhesive resins
- TEA: often used for the neutralization of various kinds of resins
- IPOPA: used as an intermediate in dyes manufacturing. Alpamine® N41: additive in paint formulation.
- Many API require the use of amines as building blocks in their synthesis such as TEA, DIPA, EMA, MIPA, and DEA
- Tertiary amines are also used as acid scavenger in many reactions, from moderate selectivity when using TEA to high selectivity when using EDIPA.
- Specialty amines can be served as intermediates for a wide range of monomers
- DEHA is widely applied as a shorstopper in the radical polymerization of rubbers
- Term-N-ator® P exhibits outstanding properties as shortstopper and emergency killer for the polymerization of suspension PVC.
Other markets
In addition to the markets mentioned, we provide amine solutions for the surfactant, textile, cosmetic, perfume, oil and petrochemicals, rubber and the electronic industries.
- Alkylamines are important chemical intermediates for the manufacture of the active ingredient of many types of herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides
- MIPA is used as neutralizing agent to make amines salts of major herbicides.
Water treatment
- DEHA acts as an oxygen scavenger in steam boilers and prevents corrosion from forming on the pipes
- MOPA acts as a neutralizing agent for carbonic acid in the water.
Foundry resins
- Tertiary amines are used as catalyst in the manufacturing of molds based on sand core bound by polyurethane resins
- We offer a wide range of tertiary amines for the foundry industry.