Arkema Procurement divisions have implemented a worldwide sustainable procurement approach and strengthened the suppliers' qualification process by integrating CSR performance criterion.
Today, the sustainable procurement approach integrates Arkema's strategic priorities and CSR commitments.
It enables to select the most CSR engaged suppliers and guarantees our suppliers a fair selection process.
Arkema's corporate social responsibility charter is based on strong and shared values; we expect our suppliers to share these same values.
Our reciprocal commitments are described in the Supplier Code of Conduct.
Key benefits for suppliers
By joining TfS, all suppliers :
- Avoid multiple questionnaires by sharing their results on the same platform;
- Obtain a clear analysis of their CSR positioning and performance, to better manage risks and make continuous progress;
- Benefit from an assessment by a recognized expert according to CSR standards;
- Demonstrate their commitment to their clients with regard to today's issues and challenges;
- Demonstrate their commitment to a long-term vision
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Regarding assessments, three Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are monitored:
- KPI #1 (STATUS): The number of suppliers with a valid score (< 3 years) on the EvoVadis platform.
- KPI #2 (ACTIVITY): The number of assessments or re-assessments carried out by each member.
- KPI #3 (IMPACT): The percentage of suppliers who improve their score after re-assessment.
Arkema also commits on a number of TfS audits every year.
All these KPI's are reviewed at least every quarter by the Arkema TfS Steering Committee, led by Amandine Roset (Sustainable Procurement Coordinator, GASP) and shared with the TfS Office and TfS members.